Miss Crowley – Pin in my Side Şarkı Sözleri
She stands up tall raises her arms so high
Chin in the air so small, try
Roundy cheeks, baby legs, try
Pin in my side so quick to die
Take the first step so small and shy
All the eyes gone so narrow and sly
Where it’s all gone, the warm the lie
Pin in my side so quick to die
It’s the drain on my love
It’s the strain on my love
And it’s a lie
You’re my lie
She runs she falls, on her face why?
Looking out so eager, don’t cry
He leaves the space, his back deny
All that’s wrong, our love, this lie
She finds her fight, come on baby, try
Who is he now, just some other guy
Where is it gone, the warm the lie?
Pin in my side so quick to die
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